• Question: What was you most favorite year/part of your education and why?

    Asked by anon-233319 to Varun, Sammie, Rebecca, Anna, Alin, Adam on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Rebecca Shaw

      Rebecca Shaw answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      My favourite year would of been my last year of my undergraduate degree. I got to focus on my own project, which I really enjoyed and it was the first time I could really feel like I was a scientist! I was working quite independently at this point too.
      I was also involved in running the University’s Biology society at this point too and so I was enjoying being involved in organising events related to my degree.

    • Photo: Adam Washington

      Adam Washington answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I would have probably disagreed at the time, but my favourite period was probably the end of my first year of graduate school as we prepared for the qualifying exam. At most American institutions, the students take an intensive exam at the end of their first (and possibly second) year to confirm that they’ve mastered the background material well enough to begin research for a PhD. It’s also the end of general studies in physics and marks where people begin focusing on their specialties. As a result, that summer was probably the three months of my life where my knowledge in physics was at its widest, since anything could be on that exam. Questions included ternary star systems, helicopter design, bacterial growth, interstellar travel, and the proper was to add milk to coffee. I’ve certainly learned more in the years since then, but I worry sometimes that the depth has come with a loss of breadth.

    • Photo: Varun Ramaswamy

      Varun Ramaswamy answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      My Masters’ degree at King’s College London was the favourite year of my education. Until then, I knew nothing about biophysics except the fact that it had a lot of physics and maths in it. As I did my undergraduate in genetic engineering, none of my professors could give me any kind of clue about biophysics at all.

      It was only when I went to Kings that I got to experience it first hand and realised it was everything I had dreamed of, and more! That was the year I found myself wanting to study all the time, even on weekends because that’s how much I enjoyed the subject!

    • Photo: Samantha Firth

      Samantha Firth answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Probably the 3rd year of my Biochemistry degree! I felt like all the knowledge I had spent so many years getting through school, college and uni, finally came together to make me a great scientist! It was a bit like a long awaited ‘Eureka!’ moment.That was a great feeling! Plus, I did lots of snowboarding with the Snowsports Society which was rad 🤙

      Year 6 was also a good year – our teacher used to play the guitar and sing some of our lessons to us (plus we had a great school disco that year 😎)
