• Question: what is your favourite aspect of research

    Asked by anon-233431 to Varun, Sammie, Rebecca, Anna, Alin, Adam on 12 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Samantha Firth

      Samantha Firth answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      The fact that you are at the edge of human knowledge! You’ve asked ‘why?’ and no one can answer you because nobody knows! So you’re going to look for something that no one knows about – you’re going to discover something new. You’re pushing the very boundaries of knowledge itself! That’s pretty exciting 👍

    • Photo: Rebecca Shaw

      Rebecca Shaw answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Learning everyday! I learn what works and what doesn’t, I learn new techniques and different ways to carry them out. Being in research also means you are surrounded by researchers and you can learn what they are studying, how they are researching it and learn about concepts you didn’t even know about!

    • Photo: Varun Ramaswamy

      Varun Ramaswamy answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      I completely agree with Samantha and Rebecca. The fact that you are the only one in the world who knows about your project and no-one else in the world has found the answer to that question, is definitely the most fulfilling aspect of research.

      Also, the fact that your lifelong hobby of asking questions and finding answers can actually be a brilliant career choice is definitely satisfying to know! haha.
