• Question: what is the most extreme expirament that you have ever done?

    Asked by anon-232900 to Rebecca on 19 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Rebecca Shaw

      Rebecca Shaw answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      Hey! So extreme experiment would probably have to be a behavioural one. I was in South Africa for a few summers and on one of these summers we wanted to track Buffalo and see their ranges and also their population dynamics. This involved following them around the reserve – where there were also cheetah, rhino, hippo and lions!! There were a couple of times the rhino bulls came a bit too close to us and our guide was telling us how we can survive a rhino attack haha.. But that is probably the most extreme!

      Nothing did happen except when we were monitoring one of the buffalo his behaviour seemed a bit odd. He wasn’t really eating and he was really grumpy. We got the vet involved and discovered he had a sore tooth. So we were part of the team that helped the vet take the buffalo’s sore tooth out! It was pretty cool.
