• Question: what does it take to be a scientist

    Asked by anon-233317 to Varun, Sammie, Rebecca, Anna, Alin, Adam on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Alin Elena

      Alin Elena answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      curiosity and a lot of work…

    • Photo: Adam Washington

      Adam Washington answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      The number one thing that you need to be a scientist is humility. My advisor used to say that your experiment won’t work until you fix all of the mistakes, so the biggest thing you can do to make science faster is to get better at admitting your own failures. There’s also the fact that science is a life long conversation with Mother Nature, who will always call you out when you’re wrong.

      I’ve seen kids who spent years being the smartest kids in class drop out of science because they couldn’t handle being wrong continuously for months on end. Other students from less prestigious background have gone on to do some great research because they had the humility to keep going.

    • Photo: Rebecca Shaw

      Rebecca Shaw answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Determination. Often you can be working on projects for months or years so you have to be determined to see it through!

      I would say passion for science is key too. Some days are tough, but finding a story and a purpose in your work really helps you to keep going.

      Good communication skills are important too! These can be developed as you go along of course, but I’ve found it is essential to talk to supervisors, lab mates and colleagues about your work. It is one way you will be able to grow and find inspiration when it comes to your work.

    • Photo: Varun Ramaswamy

      Varun Ramaswamy answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Curiosity and willpower. You need to be curious enough to ask questions about everything around you, and you also need the will to find the answers yourself. That is what a scientist does.

    • Photo: Samantha Firth

      Samantha Firth answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      It takes 3 things! And these 3 things are things you will already have done!
      1. Ask questions – be curious, dare to wonder why! 🤔
      2. Look closely – look at the detail, try and see whats happening. 🔎
      3. Be creative – think about possibilities, get creative, think outside the box! 🎨
      If you do these things, you are a scientist already. Scientists do not require lab coats, or glasses or to look like Albert Einstein. Being a scientist is wanting to know more and going on a hunt to find that!
