• Question: how does science help you in everyday life?

    Asked by anon-233085 to Varun on 20 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Varun Ramaswamy

      Varun Ramaswamy answered on 20 Nov 2019:

      Hey, thats a lovely question mate!

      Well, it helps right from little things like how a chemical reaction in an onion can release a chemical that make your eyes burn..and I also know how to avoid it- put the onions in cold water before you start cutting them, the cold slows down the reaction.

      I can even come up with a cool party trick where I put mentos in a coke bottle and I create a rocket! (simple chemical reaction)

      But most importantly, it helps me understand whats going on in my body when I am sick!
      For instance I know I am going to get a cold when my throat starts aching because the viruses have invaded my tonsils which are trying to fight back. In 12 hours, I know the battle is going to go towards my nose that tries to defend itself by releasing mucous.. so that is the best time to do some steam inhalation because it deactivates the viruses for a while, especially when they reach the head and make your sinuses ache.

      Same way, I can understand what medicines I am getting from the doctor andf I know what they will do too!
